Grateful Grad Says Donors and Staff Touched His Heart
Monday August 09, 2021

There’s a special magic about Guide Dogs for the Blind. Some might say it’s the dogs. These courageous guides change people’s lives. But there’s magic in the people too. Like the volunteers who help us every step of the way; our dedicated staff who work their magic to ensure teach dog’s potential, and our clients who are achieving their dreams with a guide dog by their side at no cost to them, thanks to our donors.
Recent graduate Dimitrios Kouniaris of Austin, Texas, expressed his gratitude for GDB’s staff on the Oregon campus where he trained. “You all have a lot of love for what you all do. You took extraordinary care of me. I’m just so appreciative.” Coincidentally, Dimitrios was introduced to his guide dog, Cami, on July 5 – the exact date of her 2-year birthday!
Dimitrios said he had tears in his eyes when he wrote a thank you note to the Executor of the Estate of Mylo and Marion Charlston for sponsoring his recent training class on our Oregon campus. The Charlston Estate will sponsor two guide dog team training classes each year (one from each campus) for many years to come.
In his letter, Dimitrios said, “I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to you for sponsoring me and my guide dog’s training at Guide Dogs for the Blind. Your generosity has touched my heart and was a big contribution that was instrumental for me to receive my guide dog, Cami,” wrote Dimitrios.
“GDB in my personal opinion is the best guide dog school. Because of your gracious donation, our flights to and from GDB are covered, we are fed three outstanding meals a day, we sleep in suites that - in my opinion - are better than a hotel.” His praise didn’t stop there. “When a student graduates from GDB, all of our veterinary care and equipment are covered by GDB because of generous individuals like yourself. Words can’t even express how appreciative I am to you for your generous donation!”
Dimitrios closed his letter by writing: “Your outstanding donation contributed to my gift of independence, and that has changed my life forever!”