Guide Dog Experience Day | Guide Dogs for the Blind Skip to main content

Guide Dog Experience Day

A hands-on event for people who are blind or visually impaired interested in exploring the Guide Dog lifestyle.

Are you interested in learning if a guide dog is right for you? Consider attending Guide Dog Experience Day at either our California or Oregon campuses! This free, half-day event gives attendees self-assessment tools to make an informed choice about the guide dog lifestyle.


A person walks with a guide dog with the assistance of a guide dog mobility instructor. A person walks with a guide dog with the assistance of a guide dog mobility instructor.

Topics and Experiences

  • Cane or canine: the differences between long cane and guide dog mobility.
  • Where’s the dog door: connecting with GDB’s services and the admissions path.
  • Wanna go for a walk? Experience traveling a short campus route with a trained guide dog.
  • See GDB in action: get a walking tour of our campus.
  • Unleash your interest in the guide dog lifestyle: get a first-paw perspective about client training options, follow-up services, and lived experience from a seasoned guide dog team.
  • “Paws” for lunch: meal provided by GDB.

Important Considerations and Requirements

  • Guide Dog Experience Day is intended for people who are blind or visually impaired. Family members and blindness professionals are welcome to accompany attendees.
  • Reservations at least a week in advance are required to attend Guide Dog Experience Day. Please indicate which session you are interested in attending when registering for this event.
  • Sessions are presented in a group setting in an adult learning format and are recommended for ages 14 and older.
  • Minor Policy Notice: All attendees under the age of 18 are required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian, teacher, or social service professional for the duration of the event.

Guide Dog Experience Day Locations, Dates, and Reservations

Guide Dog Experience Day sessions are held on GDB’s California and Oregon campuses in San Rafael, CA and Boring, OR.

See below for scheduled workshop dates and to register. 

Meet the Presenters