Puppy Socialization: Ideas to Spark Creativity!
Puppy socialization is not only tons of fun, but also critical to raising confident, resilient pups ready to take on the weird and wonderful challenges of the modern world. Remember that every puppy is different! Use your sharp eye for puppy body language and desensitization/counterconditioning skills to help puppies readily overcome challenges and feel like confident winners! Reach out for support if the pup is having trouble.
Not sure where to start? Check out some of the ideas below!

- Start here: tarp, grass, concrete or tile, carpet, bathtub
- A bit more challenging: wet grass, carpeted stairs, metal plates, gravel or sand, slippery floor
- Tough stuff: grates, glass elevators, glass walkways, slick/open stairs, unstable planks
- Start here: music, movies, doorbells
- A bit more challenging: car engines, vacuum, crying babies, kids playing
- Tough stuff: popping balloons, thunder, sirens, bottle/can recycling
- Start here: umbrellas, big hats/helmets, blowing fans, mirrors, beards, calm dogs/cats
- A bit more challenging: bikes/skateboards, balloons, large statues, walkers/wheelchairs, grocery carts, small critters
- Tough stuff: public transit, diesel trucks, livestock, active barking dogs
- Start here: friends’ houses, local library, residential traffic, gym, quiet office
- A bit more challenging: elevators, indoor/outdoor malls, restaurants, ice rink, grocery stores, downtown areas
- Tough stuff: parades, amusement parks, bowling alley, skate parks, sporting events
zoos, escalators, revolving doors, moving sidewalks, firework displays, amusement rides, places with unknown off-leash dogs
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