Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppy Raising | Guide Dogs for the Blind Skip to main content

Puppy Raising Volunteers

Raise a Puppy, Change a Life!

A very happy and very fluffy Lab x Golden guide dog puppy.

Are you inspired by Guide Dogs for the Blind's mission to help people who are blind or visually impaired gain greater independence, confidence, and inclusion? Are you looking for a fun and meaningful service project? Whatever your motivation, raising a guide dog puppy is a rewarding opportunity that can change many lives – including your own! 

Tell Me More! How Does It Work?

Below is a carousel feature with multiple slides. You can navigate through the carousel using the previous and next buttons. Use the arrow keys to read the testimonials.

Sounds Fun! I Have Questions...

I'm Ready! How Do I Start?

A large group of volunteer puppy raisers pose for a group photo with the puppies they are raising. A large group of volunteer puppy raisers pose for a group photo with the puppies they are raising.

It's easy – simply fill out the Puppy Raising Interest Form, and we will connect you to the nearest puppy club!

Looking for more flexibility in puppy raising? We are also recruiting for hybrid puppy raising volunteers in the San Francisco Bay Area and Portland, OR area. Click the button below to learn more!

Still Hungry for More? Watch Our Brief Puppy Raising Explainer Video

Imagine the PAWSibilities!

Check out our Puppy Raising Guidebook, a comprehensive online resource that contains everything you need to know about raising a puppy for Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB). 

Current Puppy Raisers

Click below to visit the Puppy Raising Community.

If you have additional questions, please contact Guide Dogs for the Blind's Puppy Raising Team at [email protected].