Foundation Partnership | Guide Dogs for the Blind Skip to main content

Foundation Partnership

Joining forces with like-minded foundations.

A group of People hold puppies that are fresh from the bath and wrapped in cozy towels. A group of People hold puppies that are fresh from the bath and wrapped in cozy towels.

Thanks to Our Foundation Partners

The Annenberg Foundation
Clark Foundation
Colombo Charitable Trust
The Danford Foundation
Dmarlou Foundation
Foglia Family Foundation
The William G.  Gilmore Foundation
The Green Foundation
George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation
Hedinger Family Foundation
Hind Foundation

William G. Irwin Charity Foundation
Sharon D. Lund Foundation
The Meadows Foundation
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Patterson Foundation
The ROMA Foundation 
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Shasta Regional Community Foundation
Sorenson Legacy Foundation
Hadley and Marion Stuart Foundation
Carl E. Wynn Foundation

Interested in Partnering with Us?

Customize Your Gift

You can designate a grant for GDB’s general operations, a specific program, or for a capital project. Our staff is available to complete letters of inquiry and grant proposals, as well as provide financial and other supporting materials your foundation requires.

Contact Us

If you have questions about foundation giving, or would like more information about customizing your gift, please contact Foundation Gifts Manager Scott Metzger at 415.499.4089 (toll free at 800.295.4050 ext. 4089), or [email protected].